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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.

This week, I have become even more aware of the toll taken on small businesses, including our own. I’ve made a pact with myself to support the small businesses I love in the upcoming weeks + months. Here are just a few: Stories Bookshop, A. Cheng, Knot + Bow, Norman + Jules, Loeffler Randall.
We’ve been watching the most recent season of Curb Your Enthusiasm every night. Laughing really is the best medicine for me.
I’ve mentioned this here before, but it’s worth mentioning again because I’ve really needed it this week. The Class with Taryn Toomey is offering two free weeks of live streaming digital classes. All you need is a yoga mat. And really just a patch of floor the size of a yoga mat will do. Never mind those pesky kids who interrupt. You can browse the schedule here. If you’re unfamiliar with the practice, it’s all about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, using + listening to your own body. There’s a lot of energy clearing. My advice: lean into it. Embrace the weird. Hold steady in the physical discomfort. More than ever, we need to take care of our bodies + minds, and this is one little way I’m doing that.
My favorite Marriage Minute newsletter (I’ve had many a-ha moments reading their super short emails) referenced this instagram post a few days ago, and I think there are some great reminders + thoughts here on being in extreme close proximity with our families.They also quote David Cates, PHD, as saying in Newsweek “So, to survive and thrive during quarantine, couples should look for opportunities to show interest, find areas of agreement, express affection and appreciation and demonstrate empathy. And they need to do this during times of conflict. They should also recognize that worry, fear, stress and guilt are expected and normal reactions during quarantine and not criticize one another for expressing these feelings.”
My friend Chelsea is custom tie dying baby onesies and kiddo T-shirts to benefit Tender, an Atlanta nonprofit that makes essentials available to low income moms. This fundraiser is specifically for moms affected by COVID-19. I ordered blue/green tie dye in a newborn onesie and t-shirts for big brother and big sister that I can’t wait to see all lined up on three bodies.
This is my last set of links for the next few weeks while baby #3 and I get settled at home. I just want to take a quick moment to thank our wonderful community for all their words of encouragement, on my post two days ago and everywhere else. Liz and I feel so fortunate to be doing what we’re doing, for our proud little crew in the office, and for our community at large. Thank you for supporting us, and continuing to do so through this chaos. See you on the other side !