You Might Also Like: Lizzy had her baby! + I made you a mix tape
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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.
Lizzy had her beautiful baby boy! And had to do it all by herself due to hospital restrictions on visitors, including partners. So unbelievable. And like the warrior she is, she did it, and I’m relieved that that’s behind her now. We’re sending her our collective love in the form of color-in daffodils. You can find the coloring sheet here, and print it or color it on a device. Email or DM us so we can see + share! Thank you to all who have sent in your flowers for Lizzy! My heart swells every time I see one. Thank you!
Speaking of heart swells, I’ve been fulfilling orders remotely (with the help of my assistant Louise) and many have been baby gifts. Writing these gift messages to parents of new babies has been such a bright spot for me this week. The outpouring of love in these notes gives me hope. I picture a new parent opening a gift from a loved one and am so grateful to be a small part of the process, a little messenger of love. It’s keeping this little engine going, literally and in our hearts. If you’re looking to send a gift, we have set up a Ready to Ship collection for immediate shipping. Anything not in there is available for Waitlist only at this time and will be available to ship as soon as we’re allowed back at work.
In case you missed it, we launched our 1-for-1 Commitment this week! For every Swaddle sold this year, we're donating one new baby item to a family in need through our charity partner, Room to Grow. You can read more here. And you can shop Swaddles here.
A few quick things:
I thought this was pretty funny. I’m Overwhelmed Bread with Butter. :)
John’s birthday was this week. We both had a nice little chuckle over this.
The gift of crisis. I liked this perspective.
- My friend Gisela is an art historian / curator and is doing daily videos on an artist. They’re short—like the juicy cliff notes from your favorite art history class. Check them out in her highlights here.
And, I made you a mix tape. (Playlist, whatever. “Mix tape” gives me fuzzy feelings so that’s what I’m calling it.) Hope you enjoy!
My heart goes out to you all juggling children, work, isolation and all the feelings. Until next time.