You Might Also Like: Ethically Produced Bulk Coffee Beans + Dressing Women Candidates
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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.
We’ve been buying the same coffee beans in bulk for years and people often remark how much they like it. We’re always happy to support a company with a bold mission. I like the free samples they include, too, like Himalayan pink salt and MCT oil.
I can’t have caffeine after 12pm or I won’t be able to sleep at night, so I opt for tea on cold afternoons, and lately it’s been the Ginger and Chamomile teas from Bon Temps. I also love their mission and their packaging! :) Makes a nice gift!
Our two newest Zip Pouch Sets are back in stock! The Pods print is our latest print and our most spare. We love this subtle change and addition in our line. Look for it later this spring in the Nursery!
I have found myself referencing this quick article “5 Things You Should Know About The Flu” multiple times this week! Nothing revolutionary, but some good reminders and information I wasn’t aware of.
Such a simple twist on how I usually roast cauliflower, but it’s that much yummier that I’ve followed Nicole Berrie’s recipe for “Crispy-Edged-Molten-Soft-
Cauliflower-Every- Damn-Time” multiple times now (I use more than one teaspoon of curry powder), and everyone devours it ! -
Love this message and really applaud the contribution from clothing line M.M. Lefleur, helping any woman that wants to run for any sort of office. “In my day job, I’m a professional firefighter, as well as a mother of four. My dress consists of either a blue uniform and turnouts, or jeans and a T-shirt,” one candidate wrote to M.M. LaFleur. “I can’t even begin to tell you how stressful the ‘how to dress’ piece of running for office has been!”