Mother's Day Edition: Lizzy's Mom Must-Haves

Clockwise from top left:

Swaddles: These are traditionally for newborns, but for me, the older a baby gets the more likely I am to throw one in my bag for all the things: Blanket for napping, stroller cover, play mat, sun coverage, and more. The big kids end up using it too!

Meal Planning: Since Covid began, I‘ve meal planned every week. It keeps me sane weeknights dashing from working to pick up to dinner time. I can buy all groceries in advance and dive right in. Skinnytaste has been a constant source of yummy, easy, simple ingredient recipes. I'm never not searching her site (books too!).

Lewis Sweats: Getting four kids dressed can be tough. Getting four kids dressed and looking presentable feels insurmountable at times! Our Sweats save me over and over again. They’re cute, they’re comfortable for play, and the only thing I have to think about is finding the matching pieces.

Mam Pacifiers: All of my kids have been paci babies, and they can be such a savior at times! Different kids like different shapes, but somehow all four have only ever wanted Mam, and they’re finally making them in nice solid colors!

Real Housewives: Judge me here, but nothing is better at the end of a long bedtime than a seltzer and an episode of Real Housewives. After so much stimulation, I often need something that I can totally veg out watching–this is my number one for years.

Pouch Sets: We are never not on the go. Sports, activities, parks, you name it, we’re always toting STUFF. Our Pouch Sets help me organize said stuff, so that not only do I know where in my bag to reach for what, but they also remind me of what needs to be replenished when I’m preparing for our next outing.

Perfume: I've been wearing Jo Malone Perfume for almost 20 years. Pretty scents make me happy. Layering Jo Malone over my outfit before I walk out the door feels like a final stage of getting dressed, and brings me joy.

Armchair Expert: Josh jokes that Lincoln will know Dax Shepard’s voice better than his. The podcast Armchair Expert has been a companion since Covid began. While working from home or in the car or on a walk–Dax + Monica keep me company.

Snacks!: All parents know snacks get you through. Snack brands I can’t live without, with ingredients I trust: Lesser Evil, Simple Mills, Siete, The New Primal.

Sneakers: Sneakers are a necessity for me because working out is essential for my well being. Whether it's a run or weight training, I show up as a better mom + partner when I’ve moved my body that day.

Coffee: I run on a LOT of caffeine early in the day and it helps keep me in turbo mode from straightening up, working out, dropping off, right into the work day. We often buy based on affordability, but sometimes treat ourselves to the good stuff.

Lewis Onesie + Pant Set: This for Lincoln are like sweats for the bigger kids–Cute, matching, and I dont need to think about it before I leave the house.

Aquaphor: It has always solved all skin issues in our house. Baby eczema, diaper rash, dry skin… Four kids and almost eight years, I’ve almost never used another cream.

Women: You can’t buy the number one thing that gets me through motherhood–other women. Whether long time friends/sisters across the country, neighbors, or newer friends from school. They sustain me. Advice, venting, laughing, taking care. Moms do all the things for their kids, and for each other too.