You Might Also Like: Seinfeld + Memes + Swaddle Uses
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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.
I can’t get over the unreal video footage from the explosion that happened in Beirut this week. As I write this, over 100 people have died, thousands injured and hundreds of thousands left homeless. There are many ways to help, and donating to Impact Lebanon and the Lebanese Red Cross are two easy ones. As an extra incentive, my friend Zozo’s General will match your $25 donation to either org AND send you a handmade potholder (in case you won’t get around to making your own) - just DM her the donation receipt. I am so inspired by this and other simple and generous incentives to help.
It’s hard to write anything here without also sharing my anxiety over the school year ahead, shared by millions of other parents, teachers + faculty. It's such an intense time. At least we can laugh at the absurdity of it all.
And when you hit boiling point, may I suggest the magical uplifting power of Seinfeld clips? This is a favorite. Also, a meme shared over a group text with friends can really lighten the mood. (I think I’m already at December, which isn’t even on there!)
India is going through a very clingy phase and it can make me feel like I’m failing in all things parenting and all things work, all at the same time. This article from New York Times Parenting, made me feel a LITTLE better about when I plop her down in front of Daniel Tiger for some quiet relief.
Liz and I have long talked about the many many ways to use a swaddle.This week at the park we discovered a new one, and I couldn’t believe it after 4 years of having them pinch hit a thousand ways. As seen here they also (although I can’t in good faith suggest you try this at home) work as a toddler ride. I was terrified and shocked by how much weight these things could hold -- you’re looking at over 60 lbs in the last slide and Josh was spinning around in circles like this (while I yelled and panicked on the sidelines). I think this also speaks volumes to pandemic creativity when it comes to child entertainment.
The sweetest bedroom with our Stingray sheets. They are sold out, but we have some other great options !