You Might Also Like: Moon Song + Ignoring Families
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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.

As a follow up to our all-things-dinosaur celebration for James’ birthday, our friend sent these to him, and he loves them! A little four year old body running around pretending he’s the fiercest most feared dinosaur in the land–what’s not to love?!
A quilt "represents safekeeping, it represents beauty, and you could say it represents family history." -- a line from this beautiful book I’m reading about the incredible quilters of Gee’s Bend + their stunning pieces that have long-inspired me. I’m learning so much about this community of Black women and life in the early emancipated colonies in the South. Would be a great gift for someone who loves these quilts (or quilting in general) like I do.
Moon Song - I love this so much. (Kate Baer’s book comes out in November!)
- Favorite new account follow. She makes clothes out of vintage fabric for her daughters, and styles them in her handmade and vintage clothing. Great creative inspiration that feels different than what’s out there.
- An interesting and quick opinion piece on how continuing to ignore families in this pandemic is to ignore the economy.
Did you know that the introduction of the character Franklin, to the comic strip Peanuts, was the first appearance of a Black character interacting with a white character in a US comic (in 1968)? And, it was a school teacher who suggested Black characters be added to comics to “combat the sea of misunderstanding, hate, and violence” towards Blacks and to “help show people of color they are not excluded from society.” Such simple but fascinating things--inclusion and love--that we’re still working on today.