You Might Also Like: Fun shirts for the whole family + my forever favorite song
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A rundown of what we’re doing, watching, reading, coveting.
Now every other Thursday. All linked here.
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watching, reading, coveting.
Here's what's got our attention this week.

James turned three this week! We did our usual birthday celebration at home with our neighbor friends, which feels like a big party but easy enough to pull off on a weeknight–pizza, cake, friends, balloons, themed paper napkins that I take undeserved pride in sourcing + my favorite paper plates because they go with everything. I always make a cake, topped with this icing because I’m in the camp of the sweeter the better.
We’re coming out with a fun beachy release so soon!! We haven’t talked about it at all because, to be honest, we weren’t sure we’d be able to make it happen, but ohhh it’s happening, and we are pumped! I came across this awesome beach bag + immediately thought it would be a great companion to our release. More soon, promise!
John is obsessed with printed shirts. The jazzier the better. He wore this one on vacation this spring and came home with this one recently, which I thought was a spoof, but he genuinely loves it. It’s growing on me. :) For Father’s Day, I got him the kids version for all three kids, which was definitely the best Father’s Day gift in the history of Father’s Day gifts, and it’s become Griffin’s new favorite shirt! (heart emoji!) I might have to get him another one because he looks so cute in them!

India had her first day of camp on Tuesday, and it goes an hour longer than her school day did. Unbeknownst to me, this meant I needed to BRING HER LUNCH ! Mortified at drop off, I looked up when a heard another mom ask where to put her son’s lunch box, and we ran back downstairs to Starbucks, bought a plastic “protein box”, and ran back upstairs. I left with the weight of a serious mom-fail. Wednesday morning I felt so proud packing away when I realized peanut butter and jelly is no longer allowed almost ever (forehead smack). PB&J quickly became breakfast as I made some pesto pasta with some leftover cauliflower thrown in. Despite all my mess ups, it felt like a big moment as I closed the lid on her lunch box, since it was the very first day of a lifetime of lunches (side note is, my mom made such good lunches growing up that my sister used to hide in the library to eat them so everyone wouldn’t insist on a bite). I recently found this list that I’ll now be digging into so that I don’t just send the same thing every day on repeat.
Not to pat myself on the back, but I really don’t think I’ll every get over our wedding song, and not because it’s our wedding song! The lyrics and Marcus Mumford’s voice get me every. Single. Time.
I really love everything Mara Hoffman does, but this summer dress (or as she says cover up) really stopped me the other day! I love the clean bright stripe + and the unexpected sleeve + the beautiful deep V with a little tie in the back (I’ll forever love an interesting back). Such an easy dress to throw on, but so far from typical.