December 04, 2017Gift Guide
Kids Gift Guide 2017
Kids: Ages 2-4, from top left:
Super Hero Mouse - Cutest fearless mouse. We love everything from this Danish company and kids love their little bodies + tiny homes.
Lacing Toy - Liz's kids have come back to this toy so many times over the years.
Mother + Baby Dolls - To play, to carry, to snuggle. We love the sweetness of these soft little figures.
Mother + Baby Dolls - To play, to carry, to snuggle. We love the sweetness of these soft little figures.
Shopping Cart - Louise got this from Santa last year and loves to play supermarket (from our cabinets) or just push around her stuffed animals.
Whaley Balance Game - a perfect intro in games for little minds + hands
Alphabet Blocks - prettiest word play.
Wood Push Car - cute wind up car that zooms
Fishing Bag - For the little angler in training.
Kids: Ages 4-6, from top left:
Walkie Talkies - What a thrill to talk to your best friend through these little radios!Three favorite books - ask your local bookshop owners if you need recommendations - they know everything! We love these three: City Moon, Sheila Rae the Brave and This is How We Do It.
Luggy Basket - because every kid loves toting around their very important stuff, the Luggy is the prettiest option of all for this.
Bow and 2 Arrows - Lizzy has gifted this to every little boy she knows (but great for girls too !). Feel like a big outdoorsman with something safe enough for indoors.
Kwik Stix - Liz's kids new favorite drawing medium. Feels like you're drawing with lipstick, and it dries in 90 seconds. Pair them with a nice big sketchbook with tear out pages.
Pretend + Play School Set - It's so fun for this age to role play. As they start to get into the rhythm of school, it's extra fun to play Teacher. Point to words, ring the bell, make checklists. This gift is a hit with kids who love make believe.
3D Viewer - Old school fun. Images come to life through this viewer. Stock up on a bunch of disks—it's fun to go from animals to landscapes to cities.
Checkers - Take this classic game to the park, the beach or with you while visiting family + friends over the holidays.